Quit Now Virginia


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

VDH Training Opportunity

Visit http://www.cleartheairva.org/ to get details on this upcoming training opportunity for those in tobacco use control or community wellness. The training will be held Thursday, November 4 in Richmond.

Topics to be presented include:

Community and workplace strategies for reducing tobacco use and exposure

Smoke-free parks and play areas that promote physical activity

Initiatives that provide access to good nutrition and provide food security for communities

Safe places to walk and bike

Programs to promote cessation programs and 1-800-QUITNOW

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Safe Routes to School Grants

The Prevention Connections Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program is accepting applications for $2,000 mini-grants to sponsor a Walk and Bike to School event.

The goals of the mini-grant program are to (1) increase awareness of the benefits of safe walking/biking to school, (2) increase the number of youth engaging in physical activity through walking/biking to school and (3) provide schools with resources on SRTS best practices and additional funding opportunities.

These mini-grants specifically target low-income areas. Studies show that these children face a higher risk of being injured or killed as pedestrians. The mini-grant program is intended to be a catalyst for these communities to begin to examine ways to make the environment safer and more accessible for children to walk and bike to school, as well as to connect these groups with larger funding opportunities.

The application is available online at www.preventionconnections.org. In order to apply, the targeted schools must be Title I elementary and/or middle schools in Virginia. A variety of groups are encouraged to apply including PTAs, local governments, community agencies and nonprofits, etc.

Deadline for applications is Thursday, December 30, 2010, 11:59 p.m. For any additional information, contact Ashley Johnson, SRTS Program Manager at (804) 225-3004 or ajohnson@preventionconnections.org.